Hello! My name is Rene' Harper and I am the owner/creator of Chickabiddy Baby Boutique. My love of vintage and antique items started at a very young age. My grandma's house was adorned with embroidered textiles created by her and the other beautiful women of my family.
Through the years I learned many skills...crocheting, needlepoint, embroidery, etc. After I married and my husband and I set off on starting our family, I began making baby things and putting them away for our little ones.
The years went by and we endured many trying times, infertility treatments, and failed invitros. During that time it seemed everyone around me...friends, family, etc. were having babies. I had a baby shower invitation for every weekend of the year it seemed. Like so many times in my life, I turned to creative pursuits to soothe my soul. I started making gifts for my pregnant friends and family. In particular I designed my little Chickabiddy Sock Baby Rattles.
I use reclaimed embroidery that I find all over...antique stores, thrift stores, etc. I am inspired by kewpie dolls and bisque carnival dolls of the twenties. I hand embroider their faces and embellish them with the outcast embroidered blooms. My dollies are stuffed with lavender, soft downlike stuffing and tinkly bells. I guess I decided that I was going to make babies one way or the other.
Four years after I made my first sock baby I am still going strong creating new items for my etsy shop and I am happy to say that my husband and I (and my 14 year old daughter from a previous union) are on the journey of adoption. We are still waiting, but in the meantime I am keeping busy: I am learning to become a beekeeper to help save the honeybees!
Rene' is really a testament to the power of creativity, community and inner strength to get us through our tough times. I wish her well and so much luck on her journey to becoming a parent again! You can visit her blog to learn more about her life, her creations and her quest to save the honeybee!
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