Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 Rose Parade Floats!

On Saturday morning, I went to see the Rose Parade floats with my family in Pasadena. They have them all lined up and there's music and vendors selling drinks and churros and sponsor booths giving away free hats, etc. I got some pretty good shots I think, and here they are!

{this gorilla made of eucalyptus leaves was one of my favorites}

{roses? at the rose parade? pshaw!}

{this cornucopia was also one of my faves}

{this was a plant rendition of the Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles}

{the aquarium of the pacific had a really awesome float}

{there's that very seuss-ish cornucopia again}

If you are ever in the area for New Year's, you should definitely try to make it to the Rose Parade. And if you don't want to camp out, then come the next day and enjoy a leisurely look at the floats - up close!

P.S. Don't forget to enter the giveaway if you haven't already!

P.P.S. Sneak peek - tomorrow, I'll be posting a round up the best giveaways happening in the blogosphere this week!


  1. very pretty. I love the purple flowers!

  2. These floats are amazing! some of them must have taken ages to produce. Thanks for visiting my blog! I am following you now ;o)

  3. I love roses, crazy for them perhaps..hehe.
    This is really open up my eyesight, I hope you get some picture with the roses, because you look so sweet.
    My heart filled with your warm words, love to know more people each day..and you are so sweet and lovely sense in words.
    But still I have to be honest with you, your label list is so long, almost got my eye "Lost in space" with them.
    Hahaha! Ok. I'm just joking.


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